Monday, March 27, 2017
If you are a loyal reader of Must See in Iceland, you should know that we are big fans of price checks. So, since Easter is right around the corner, we decided to price check our world famous, Icelandic Easter eggs.
Now, I don’t know how familiar you are with Icelandic Easter customs, but one of the most important things in celebrating the holiday (the most important in my opinion) is to enjoy a chocolate Easter egg, or two. Even three. We should eat our Easter eggs on Easter Sunday, and sometimes parents make fun orienteering games for their kids to make the search for the eggs even more enjoyable. But you know what? There are so many different kinds of chocolate eggs, so many of us Icelanders are nibbling on them from before the Easter holiday starts and long after it’s finished. But hey, Easter is only once a year!

When I was a child there was only one type of egg – chocolate. Now you can get a few kinds of licorice eggs, white chocolate ones, handmade eggs and all sorts of candy filled shells. Everyone has their favorite kind, but like with everything else, price varies between shops. So, we decided on Monday the 26th of March 2018 to visit six grocery stores in the capital area and price check six Easter eggs.
The shops we visited were Krónan in Breiðholt, Bónus in Ögurhvarf, Fjarðarkaup in Hafnarfjörður, Nettó in Mjódd, Iceland in Kópavogur and Hagkaup in Skeifan. The eggs we price checked was a chocolate egg number 5 from Nói Siríus, a caramel and sea salt egg from Nói Siríus, a chocolate egg number 5 from Góa, an Appolo Licorice egg number 4 from Góa, a licorice Dream egg number 9 from Freyja and a Rís egg from Freyja number 4.
Below you can see a break down of all the eggs and their prices in various stores:

Highest price at Hagkaup
All eggs were priciest at Hagkaup. Five of six eggs were the cheapest at Bónus, all except the number 5 egg from Góa, which was not available at the store. That egg was cheapest at Krónan.
The most price difference from highest to lowest was on the Dream egg from Freyja. That egg cost 3399 ISK at Hagkaup but 2159 ISK at Bónus. That’s a 1240 ISK difference, or 45%. The other egg from Freyja, the Rís egg, was 1749 ISK at Hagkaup and 1239 ISK at Bónus. That means the price difference between the highest and lowest price was 510 ISK, or 34%.

Average price from 1316 ISK to 2456 ISK
The least difference was on the eggs from Góa. The most expensive Appolo licorice egg was 1229 ISK at Bónus but 1399 ISK at Hagkaup, so the difference there was only 180 ISK, or 13%. The most expensive egg number 5 from Góa was 1799 ISK at Hagkaup but the cheapest was 1498 ISK at Krónan. That’s a difference of 301 ISK, or 18%.
The average price of the number 5 egg from Nói Siríus was 2362 ISK and for the caramel and sea salt one it was 2412 ISK. The average price of the number 5 egg from Góa was 1599 ISK and of the Appolo licorice egg it was 1316 ISK. And as for the Freyja eggs, the average price of the Dream egg was 2456 ISK and of the Rís egg it was 1359 ISK.
I hope this has helped you on your quest for Easter eggs and I strongly recommend you indulge in some eggs if you’re traveling in Iceland during Easter. Happy Easter!