

Enjoy a day at a sandy beach

Admire this beautiful place with a rich, and at times, tragic story.


    Posted on
    Monday, January 2, 2017

    Some scenic spots in Iceland are hard to get to but totally worth it if you enjoy spending time in nature and being one with the peace and quiet that it can bring.

    One of these spots is Vöðlavík bay, a deserted bay north of fjord Reyðarfjörður in the eastern part of Iceland. You can only visit Vöðlavík from the beginning of July until the middle of September and on top of that you have to be well equipped to get there, preferably driving a 4WD vehicle. But it’s an adventure you won’t forget.

    Be one with the Atlantic ocean.

    It’s a legendary place which has always been isolated since it’s impossible to build a harbor there. And the weather there can be exceptionally harsh, which was apparent in 1993 when a fishing boat from the Westman Islands stranded on the beach. Luckily all aboard were rescued. That wasn’t the case in 1993 when a rescue boat on a rescue mission was struck by a large wave in the bay and one life was lost.

    I recommend packing a lunch and enjoying the day wandering along the black sandy beach of Vöðlavík and admiring this beautiful place with a rich, and at times, tragic story. You can also get a glimpse of two mountain tops; Snæfugl and Hestshaus, and the view is just mesmerizing.


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