Monday, July 3, 2017
You might be wondering what on earth a candy exchange is. In my opinion it’s the best exchange there is! And it involves Icelandic candy!
Recently, we here at Must See in Iceland have been sending Icelandic candy to foreigners and getting their local candy in return. It sort of accidentally happened, all thanks to the Reddit community, and now we’re pretty much addicted. We just want more candy. More, more, more.
So, we thought: why not do more of this? Select some delicacies from our homeland and get exotic candy in return. What could possibly go wrong?
That is why we now offer you, dear readers, a chance to exchange some candy with us. We’ve already exchanged candy with Americans and the Dutch, people from Japan, the UK, Switzerland, New Zealand and Australia, and now we want the whole world!
Learn to make Icelandic chocolate in 60 minutes!

How does it work?
Well, we decide on a fixed amount plus shipping. In our previous candy exchanges we’ve decided on 5000 ISK, around 45 USD or 43 Euros. This amount is of course negotiable but shipping is usually around 2500 ISK so that leaves 2500 ISK for candy. Shipping depends on which country we’re exchanging with, as you probably know.
After we’ve negotiated our price we ask the person we’re exchanging with if they have any special requests and vice versa. Then we’re off shopping, trying hard not to loose ourselves in the store and buy way, way, way too much. Next stop is the post office, we ship the package and wait impatiently for ours. Then we eat. And get a little tummy ache. And then we eat some more.
Are you hungry for Icelandic candy yet?
Does this sound like something you would be interested in? What about if I show you some Icelandic candy that could be yours:
Well, if you’re nodding your head and stroking your belly, send us an email at and we’ll see if we have some common candy ground. This is especially handy for people who have traveled to Iceland, found some Icelandic candy to die for and will probably never get the chance to taste it again since most Icelandic candy isn’t sold around the world.
We can’t wait to see our inbox filled with candy requests! But don’t worry, we’ll still answer all your questions about Iceland as well, just with our mouth full of irresistible candy!