

Stay on the road or else…

Off-road driving is strictly prohibited in Iceland. And I mean STRICTLY.


    Posted on
    Friday, January 6, 2017

    You know when you’re driving along the highway and all of a sudden you see something so breathtakingly beautiful that you just have to stop to take a picture? And you just drive into the soil, pull over and enjoy the moment? Well, don’t do it in Iceland. Just don’t.

    Off-road driving is strictly prohibited in Iceland. And I mean STRICTLY. You can get in lots of trouble if you’re caught driving off-road and get a huge fine. You could even do some jail time in Iceland. That’s not recommended.

    Chances are you have travelled to Iceland to admire the landscape and nature. Because of the beauty that we are surrounded by every single day, Iceland’s nature and soil is very sensitive. So off-road driving and recklessness can cause serious damage to the land, not to mention what an eyesore it is. This damage can take years, even decades, to repair. Do you want that on your conscious? If the answer is no, I recommend you only drive on designated roads.

    Another tip: Don’t stop in the middle of the road to take a picture. It’s not only dangerous but also annoys the heck out of us!

    If you’re in any doubt about off-road driving, you can take a look at diagram made by the The Environment Agency of Iceland.

    Happy on-road driving!


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