

Iceland’s biggest art museum

I strongly recommend you stroll through Breiðholt and give your eyes an artistic feast.


    Posted on
    Sunday, January 1, 2017

    You might not believe it but Breiðholt, the notorious ghetto in Reykjavík, is in fact the biggest art museum in Iceland. You can take a quick stroll around the upper parts of Breiðholt and take a look at some amazing paintings painted on tall buildings in the suburb.

    If you’re an art lover you might recognize the name Erró, one of Iceland’s most famous painters. He has two large art works in Breiðholt. One of them is called Frumskógardrottningin, The Jungle Queen, a mosaic art piece that decorates the sports center Austurberg. The other one is called Réttlætisgyðjan, The Goddess of Justice. That one is displayed on a tall building at Álftahólar 4-6.

    Fjöðrin, The Feather, by artist Sara Riel is painted on the apartment building Asparfell 2-12 and the architect Theresa Himmer is the artist behind Birtingarmynd, Concrete Manifestation, that decorates the 4-storey apartment building at Jórufell 2-12.

    These art works, and many smaller ones, are on display in Breiðholt and I strongly recommend you stroll through the neighborhood and give your eyes an artistic feast.

    How to get there?

    You can take buses number 3, 4, 12 or 17 and get out at the bus stop Fellaskóli for examples. From there you will clearly see The Feather by Sara Riel and I recommend you have the app ja.is in your phone to look up the other art works so you can have an easy walk around.

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